Painting British »Late ‘68 Pattern DPM«, ca. 1975

1:72 Scale Painting Techniques

1975 British DPM Para Smocks.

Matchbox British Paratroops wearing P72 Para Smocks und matching trousers made from darker, better printed late production '68 pattern DPM introduced in 1975. The picture indicates why camo patterns should not be painted under artificial light, or without reference fotos of the actual pattern. This colour scheme looks right in the basement war room, where the miniatures were painted, but it is all wrong when viewed in sunlight. The »Mid Green« disruptive colour turned out »Apple Green«, and the »Dark Brown« camouflage splotches are barely noticable, because too much white was added in the process of desaturating them. The overall effect is too greenish and not mottled enough to accurately represent British DPM in miniature.

Another mistake is that the figures have had the whites of their eyes painted in, which would not be visible when viewed at the proper scale distance. As a result, these Paratroopers display an unrealistic 1000 yard stare. Facial details and eye sockets of 1:72 scale figures are best accentuated by washing the face with diluted burnt umber acrylic. The British SLR Assault Rifles are painted incorrectly as well, they should be dark grey, not black, to account for aerial perspective.


British Disruptive Pattern Material – DPM