

Brown, the mixture of red and black, which forms numerous nuances when blue and yellow are added. The most important brown pigments are: sepia, asphalt, soot, terra di sienna, umber, Kassel brown, Cologne earth, bistre, certain nuances of Englisch red and ochre and certain coal tar dyes. Brown colours are primarily created through mixtures. Cf. Bay (Horse).

Single Pigment Colours

A small overview of brown (PBr) single pigment colours suitable for miniatures, models, and dioramas.

  • Green Earth
    • Natural Green Earth (PBr 7, semi-transparent), PRIMAcryl 13.571
  • Naples Yellow dark (PBr 24, opaque), PRIMAcryl 13.673
  • Burnt Siena (PR 101, semi-opaque), PRIMAcryl 13.679
  • Madder Brown (PR 206, translucent), PRIMAcryl 13.681
  • Oxide Brown Glaze (PR 101, transparent), PRIMAcryl 13.682
  • Iron Oxide Brown (PBr 6, opaque), PRIMAcryl 13.683
  • Natural Burnt Umber (PBr 7, semi-opaque), PRIMAcryl 13.684

Mixed Pigment Colours

Source: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Auflage 1905–1909

Model Paints