Calendar of Events
Trade Shows, Conventions and Reenactments in 2000 and 2001

The opening moves at the 185th Anniversery Reenactment at Waterloo in 1995. The picture was taken by Klaus Schäfer who served there as a French artilleryman. Events like this, as well as local and regional hobby shows will be listed in the calender below. We update the calender based on information we receive from event organizers. If you would like to submit information about an upcoming event, please write to Remember to include a brief description of the event, and a .jpg photo if you like. Regular events are usually held in the same month every year and readers may contact the event organizers to inquire about exact dates. Information listed here is incomplete. Please contact the show organizers about admission pricing, hotel accomodation and a detailed description of the event.
Date | Event | Contact |
14.–15.OCT.00 | DUZI 2000 – Miniatures Fair | Stadthalle Wesel, D |
31.OCT.98 | Crisis 98 – Tin Soldiers of Antwerp | Willie Bogaerts, Belgium |
03.-04.OCT.98 | ModelExpo – 13th European Model Exhibition | ModelExpo, France |
14.–16.AUG.98 | Red Devil Modelling Society – 4th ann. Competition | Gabor Ordogh, Hungary |
01.-02.AUG.98 | Bivouac at Schloß Fasanerie – Eichenzell near Fulda | Martin Heller, Germany |
05.-07.JUN.98 | IMM-Jahrestreffen – Modelling Show | Kiel, D |
April 1998 | 2. Intl. Modelling Show, PMC Telfs | E. Reicher, Tirol, A |
04.-13.APR.98 | 19e Mondial Maquette Modèle Réduit | Paris Expo, F |
01.-05.APR.98 | INTERMODELLBAU | Westfalenhallen Dortmund, D |
28.-29.MAR.98 | CMT Torino – 13th Biennial | CMT Torino, Italy |
06.-08.MAR.98 | Faszination Modellbau | Messe Sinsheim, D |
28.FEB.-01.MAR.98 | Trucks and Tracks | Folkestone, England |
05.–11.FEB.98 | Nuremberg Intl. Toy Fair | Messezentrum, D |
01.-02.NOV.97 | HMGS West, Wargame Con | Salander, Modesto, CA |
25.-26.OCT.97 | South West Model EXPO | Bovington Tank Museum, UK |
17.-19.OCT.97 | Le Petit Soldat | St. Vincent, Italy |
27.-28.SEP.97 | EURO MILITAIRE | Folkstone, England |
29.AUG-01.SEP | Pacificon ’97 | S.F.: +1 (415) 692-6363 |
09.-10.AUG.97 | MAFVA Nationals, Modelling Show | Duxford Airfield, UK |
07.-10.AUG.97 | 16. Miniatures Fair Kulmbach | Marktplatz Kulmbach, D |
17.-20.JUL.97 | ORIGINS ’97 | HMGS, Ohio |
13.–15.JUN.97 | Mondial de la Miniature | Paris, +33- |
19.APR.97 | GAMECON 10 | Northern Virginia Gamers |
11./12.APR.97 | 7 Years’ War Con, South Bend, ID | SYW Association |
22./23.FEB.97 | ViciCon | James Sulzen, CA |