French Light Troops of the Seven Years’ War, 1756–1763
During the wars of the 18th century, the army of Louis XV. of France employed a great number of hussars, chasseurs, and volontaires who provided vital reconnaissance and security services for the regular troops. Many of these light troops, who excelled at petty warfare, known as »Kleinkrieg« in German and »petite guerre« in French, were created and led by enterprising individuals who had offered their services to the King in times of war.
Available Miniatures
- Legion du Hainaut Command, 28 mm Fife & Drum MF-009
- Legion Fusiliers, firing, 28 mm Fife & Drum MF-010
- Legion Fusiliers, advancing, 28 mm Fife & Drum MF-011
- Legion Grenadiers, firing, 28 mm Fife & Drum MF-012
- Legion Grenadiers, advancing, 28 mm Fife & Drum MF-013
The following table shows the development of the light troops and «légions» of the French army of the Seven Years’ War, 1756–1763
Name | Period |
Chasseurs de Fischer, 1743 Dragons-chasseurs de Conflans, 1761 Légion de Conflans, 1763 |
1743–1776 |
Volontaires Royaux, 1747 Légion Royale, 1758 |
1747–1763 |
Volontaires de Gantés, 1746 Volontaires du Dauphiné, 1758 |
1746–1762 |
Volontaires de Geschray, 1747 Volontaires de Beyerle, 1757 Volontaires d’Alsace, 1758 |
1747–1759 |
Volontaires de Flandre | 1749–1776 |
Volontaires du Hainaut | 1757–1768 |
Volontaires Étrangers | 1756–1759 |
Volontaires Étrangers de Clermont-Prince | 1758–1766 |
Fusiliers de Montagne | |
Volontaires Liègeois | |
Fusiliers-Guides | |
Volontaires de l’Armée | |
Volontaires à Cheval de l’Armée | |
Corps de Chasseurs attached to Berchény Hussars | 1760–1761 |
Corps de Chasseurs attached to Turpin Hussars | 1760–1761 |
In 1760, the number of horseless hussars was so great that each regiment formed two companies of foot chasseurs, commanded by one of the numerous colonels maintained à la suite (4 January 1760). Thus, little by little, these hussar regiments became similar to the corps of light troops.[1]
When the need arose, the light troops were supported by regular grenadiers, dragoons, volontaires de l’armée, and artillery.
- Chartrand, René: Louis XV’s Army (4) – Light Troops and Specialists (Botley 1997)
- Raspe, Gabriel Nicolas: Recueil de toutes les troupes qui forment les armées françoises. Dessiné et illuminé d’après nature. (Nürnberg 1761), plates 130–139, 197b, 198b, 199
- [1] Mouillard, Lucien: Armée française. Les régiments sous Louis XV. Constitution de tous les corps de troupes à la solde de France pendant les guerres de succession à l’empire et de sept ans. Ouvrage illustré par 49 planches en lithochromie reproduisant les drapeaux, étendards et costumes des régiments, de 1737 à 1774, augmenté de six reproductions en couleur de tableaux de maîtres du XVIIIe siècle (Paris 1882)