Natural Stone Masonry

Walls, Buildings, and Bridges for Dioramas and Wargames

Keramistone Modelling Clay Granite, Glorex 6-8070-380.

Many historic buildings in dioramas and wargames show natural stone masonry made of plaster, spackling compound, modelling clay, prefabricated modelling sheet, resin, or plastic. Properly painted or printed, these stone walls look like the real thing in miniature. In addition to the classic printed stone wall sheets, several manufacturers are now offering highly detailed and textured foam sheets which look even more realistic and are easy to work with. Spackling compound and modelling clay are suitable for scratchbuilding natural stone masonry. The bridge railing and arch shown here was build from MDF fibre board and Glorex Keramistone Granite Modelling Clay.

Available Products

  • Spackling Compound
  • Granite Modelling Clay
  • Modelling Sheets for Stamping, Busch 7201
  • HEKI-dur Natural Stone Masonry Sheet
  • Brown Sand Stone Masonry Sheet, Faller 170615
  • Natural Stone Masonry Sheet, Busch 7403
  • Natural Stone Sheet, Busch 7430

Scratchbuilt buildings differ architecturally and artistically from similar commercial building models, and they are often a unique piece of eye-candy.

Buildings and Scenery for Wargames and Dioramas