Gun Crew Morale Test (D6)
A gun crew checks morale every time a crew member is eliminated by an attacking unit or group. Throw 1D6 and add or substract the following modifiers:
+1 if elite gun crew -1 for each crew casualty
+1 for each NCO present -1 if hits are not penetrating enemy tanks
+2 for each junior officer present -2 if under artillery bombardment
+3 if field officer present -3 if under flamethrower attack
+4 if staff officer present -1 if gun crew employed as infantry
+1 if with infantry support -1 if under infantry attack
+2 if with tank support -2 if heavy tanks attacking
+1 for each friendly unit within 10" -2 if charged by cavalry
+1 if in gun emplacement -
+2 if in pillbox or bunker -
+2 heavy AT (17pdr., 88 mm, Russ. 100 mm) -
Modified D6 Morale Result
5, 6 - carry on
4 - hold current position
3 - pull gun back to nearest cover
2 - limber up and withdraw to nearest friendly unit/group
1 - limber up and retreat from Battlefield.
0 - abandon gun and rout toward friendly table edge. Fire only if fired upon.
-1 and below - surrender (Japanese crews suicide charge nearest enemy).
Retreating and routing gun crews may be rallied by an officer within 2" of them. Take a new morale test. If the rally attempt fails, a routed gun crew will eliminate the officer and continue to rout.

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