Melee Combat
Weapon used Bonus
Knife +1
Rifle +1
Rifle with bayonet fixed +2
Pistol +2
Carbine or SMG +2
Panga or Kukri +3
Sword, Axe or Machete +4
Situation Bonus
Additional Attacker +1D6 Dice
Surprise Attack (trained Commando stalking a sentry, etc.) +4
Melee combat is resolved at the end of the fire phase. Figures must be adjacent to fight. Heavy weapons crews cannot fire while engaged in melee.

Up to two soldiers may fight one enemy. Throw 1D6 per side, and add melee modifiers. The side with the lowest combined score loses one fighter. If scores are equal, the fight continues in the next round.

Example: Two riflemen attack a lone Ghurka soldier wielding his Kukri. One of the riflemen acts as the primary attacker, he rolls 4 on 1D6 dice, adding +2 for bayonet fixed, and a bonus D6 dice roll of +2 for the additional attacker, a total melee result of 8. The Ghurka rolls 6, and adds +3 for his fighting knife, a total of 9. The Ghurka’s score is higher, and his primary attacker is eliminated. Note that the weapons modifier "bayonet fixed" is used only once, even if there are two riflemen attacking. If two attackers are armed differently, consider using the better armed of the two as the primary attacker in order to apply the highest weapons modifier. The situational modifiers may be combined with any of the weapons modifiers, if the situation occurs.

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