Consecration of the Colours
23-25 May 1996

A detachment from Infanterie-Regiment von Donop returned to their native Hessen-Cassel in May to have new colours consecrated by the Landgrave. The regiment is part of the Hessian contingent serving alongside the British Army in the American Colonies.

The public ceremony was held at Schloss Fasanerie in Fulda, 23rd – 25th of May, under the auspices of Landgrave Moritz von Hessen. The event was well attended by civilian spectators and soldiers from Hessian infantry regiments von Donop, von Ditfurth, von Lossberg, and Hessian Jägers, including a detachment of mounted Jägers.

Ansbach Bayreuth sent the 1. Infanterie-Regiment to attend the ceremony, and Hessen-Hanau artillery fired the salute. The same units later marched out of Fulda to attend an official parade in a nearby village.

An encampment was set up on the grounds of Schloss Fasanerie, allowing the regiments to march and drill together, and to present themselves to the general public. Landgrave Moritz took the opportunity to review the troops and discuss military matters with Klaus Schäfer, a military historian serving with IR von Ditfurth. The grenadiers of the attending regiments demonstrated a magnificent bayonet charge, the application of cold steel being the preferred method of driving rebel infantry from their positions.
The colour guard of von Donop has since returned to the colonies to rejoin its regiment there. The event at Schloss Fasanerie was oragnized by the Association of Hessian Military and Civilian History – IG Hessische Militär- und Zivilgeschichte. The association consists of two sections, covering 18th and 19th Century history, the latter of which includes the well-known Großherzoglich Hessische Artilleriekorps 1810–1815, garrisoned at Hessen-Darmstadt.
Photos © by Klaus Schäfer