Green Grey

Revell Aqua Color 361.67

Green Grey RAL 7009, Revell 361.67.

Revell 361.67 »Green Grey RAL 7009« compared to our own green grey mixtures of eight parts Lascaux 955 »Olive Green«, two or four parts Golden 1415 »Zinc White« and one part PRIMAcryl 13.792 »Ivory Black«.

Revell recommends 361.67 »Green Grey RAL 7009« as the uniform colour of its German Infantry, 1916–1918. RAL 7009 »Field Grey No. 2«, the German Field Grey of World-War One, later designated RAL 7009 »Green Grey«, may have been the grey colour used on some early World-War Two German vehicles.

Steel helmets, gas mask canisters, mess tins, ammunition boxes and other Kleingerät (small equipment), initially painted »Field Grey No. 2, RAL 7009«1, were painted »Field Grey No. 3, RAL 6006« from 1935 to war’s end, or »Dark Grey No. 46«, if the equipment was carried on dark grey vehicles.

Field Grey No. 2

1. Denecke, Johannes: Tarnanstriche des deutschen Heeres 1914 bis heute (Bonn 1999), p. 15