French Infantry, 1940
French Hotchkiss HMG team available from Revell. The miniatures are World War One infantry, but they are equally suitable for the 1940 campaign in France.
French infantry sections, like those of other nations, had a specialist grenadier who fired rifle grenades and handled most of the hand grenades. Due to the speed of mobilisation, the French army experienced equipment shortages which resulted in some units not being issued with rifle grenade launchers (lance type) in 1940.
Suitable Figures
- World War One French Infantry, 1:72 Revell 02505
- French Infantry 1940, 1:72 Pegasus 7306
- French Infantry, 1:72 ESCI P-205
- French Infantry, 1:300 Heroics FR1
Rifle Platoon
- Platoon Headquarters
- Rifle Section (12 men of all ranks)
- Sergent (Chef de Groupe)
- Caporal (2ème Chef de Groupe)
- Mitrailleur (LMG)
- Chargeur pour le Fusil Mitrailleur (LMG)
- Sapeur
- Sapeur
- Sapeur
- Pourvoyeur
- Pourvoyeur
- Pourvoyeur
- Sniper
- Tromblon VB (grenadier with VB rifle grenade cup discharger)
- Rifle Section (12 men of all ranks)
- Rifle Section (12 men of all ranks)
French infantry evacuated from the Dunkirk beaches subsequently received British arms and uniforms, although some items of French dress continued to be worn. Free French forces were armed and uniformed with American equipment.