Japanese Chi-Ha (Type 97) Medium Tank
World Tanks Depot 1:87 Scale Vehicle Review

World Tanks Depot’s 1:87 scale Chi-Ha medium tank, painted olive green overall. The vehicle displays the white anchor badge and the Japanese naval ensign of a Chi-Ha tank belonging to an armoured unit of the Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces.
Good choice of subject, the Chi-Ha medium tank is unique in this scale.
The vehicle is sold fully assembled and painted in an overall olive green camouflage scheme, although a Japanese three-colour camouflage pattern might have been more attractive. The machine guns should be painted wrought iron, not shiny silver.
The typical semi-circular radio antenna on the turret roof has not been modelled, and collectors may want to scratchbuild this vehicle part from plastic sprue or brass wire.
Compatible with other HO scale vehicles and miniatures available from Märklin, ROCO, Faller, Pola, Preiser, and Noch. World Tanks Depot’s Chi-Ha medium tank is a good choice for collectors, diorama builders, and wargamers interested in raising Japanese forces in miniature.