Military Library
Army, Campaign and Uniform References until 1910
- Allevi, Piersergio: Zinnsoldaten
- Lonsing, Robert: Wollner – History & Catalogue of a Viennese Toy Soldier Manufacturer (Vienna 2009)
- D’Amato & Salimbeti: Bronze Age Greek Warrior 1600–1100 BC
- Barker, Phil: Ancient Wargaming, Airfix Magazine Guide 9
- Funcken: le costume et les armes des soldats de tous les temps, 1. des pharaons à louis XV
- Alexander The Great 334-323 BC, Osprey 1106
- Quadesh 1300 BC, Osprey 3001
- Yarmuk 636 BC, Osprey 4148
- Cannae 216 BC, Osprey 4709
- The Vikings, Osprey 5650
- The Ancient Greeks, Osprey 686X
- Attila and the Nomad Hordes, Osprey 9966
- The Ancient Assyrians, Osprey 1637
- New Kingdom Egypt, Osprey 2080
- The Persian Army 560–330 BC, Osprey 2501
- The Praetorian Guard, Osprey 3613
- Chinese Armies, Osprey 9427
- Middle East, Osprey 3844
- Imperial Chinese Armies (1), 200 BC – 1260 AD, Osprey 5144
- The Scythians 700–300 BC, Osprey 4786
- Greek and Persian Armies 500–323 BC, Osprey 2716
- The Army of Alexander The Great, Osprey 5391
- Carthagian Wars, Osprey 4301
- Early Roman Armies, Osprey 5136
- The Roman Army from Caesar to Traja, Osprey 5286
- The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine, Osprey 333X
- Republican Roman Army, Osprey 5985
- Rome’s Enemies (1) Germanics & Dacians, Osprey 4739
- Rome’s Enemies (2) Gallic & British Celts, Osprey 6061
- Rome’s Enemies (3) Parthians & Sassanids, Osprey 6886
- Rome’s Enemies (4) Spain 218 BC – 19 BC, Osprey 7017
- Rome’s Enemies (5) Desert Frontier, Osprey 1661
- Nusbacher, Aryeh: The Battle of Bannockburn, 1314
- Stephenson, Charles: The Fortifications of Malta 1530–1945 (Botley 2004)
- Agincourt 1415, Osprey 1327
- Hastings 1066, Osprey 1645
- Hattin 1187, Osprey 2846
- Lake Peipus 1242, Osprey 5535
- Fornovo 1495, Osprey 5225
- The Normans, Osprey 7297
- Knights at Tournament, Osprey 8366
- Crusades, Osprey 8544
- Medieval Siege Warfare, Osprey 9478
- Janissaries, Osprey 413X
- Roman-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Century, Osprey 2242
- Arthur & Anglo-Saxon Wars, Osprey 5480
- Imperial Chinese Armies (2) 590–1260 AD, Osprey 5993
- Armies of the Muslim Conquest, Osprey 279X
- Armies of Islam, 7th–11th Century, Osprey 4484
- The Age of Charlemagne, Osprey 042X
- Byzantine Armies 886–1119, Osprey (MaA 089)
- Saxon, Viking & Norman, Osprey 3011
- French Medieval Armies 1000–1300, Osprey 1270
- Armies of the Crusades, Osprey 1256
- Saladin & The Saracens, Osprey 6827
- The Knights of Christ, Osprey 6045
- El Cid & Reconquista 1050–1492, Osprey 8404
- The Mongols, Osprey 3720
- Byzantine Armies 1118–1461, Osprey 3478
- The Age of Tamerlane, Osprey 9494
- Medieval Chinese Armies, Osprey 2544
- Medieval European Armies, Osprey 2457
- Scots and Welsh Wars, Osprey 5421
- The Swiss 1300–1500, Osprey 3348
- Italian Armies 1300–1500, Osprey 4778
- German Armies 1300–1500, Osprey 6142
- Hungary & Europe 1000–1568, Osprey 8331
- The Mamluks, Osprey 3141
- Ottoman Turks 1300–1774, Osprey 5111
- Venetian Empire 1200–1670, Osprey 8994
- Armies of Crécy and Poitiers, Osprey 3933
- Medieval Burgundy 1364–1477, Osprey 5189
- Armies of Agincourt, Osprey 3941
- Wars of the Roses, Osprey 5200
- Medieval Heraldry, Osprey 3488
16th and 17th Century
- Sekigehara 1600, Osprey 3956
- Pavia 1525, Osprey 5047
- The Armada Campaign 1588, Osprey 8218
- Samurai, Osprey 8978
- Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) Infantry, Osprey 9036
- Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) Cavalry, Osprey 9400
- Early Samurai 200–1500 AD, Osprey 1319
- The Irish Wars 1485–1603, Osprey 2803
- Henry VIII’s Army, Osprey 798X
- Ther Border Reivers, Osprey 4172
- The Landsknechts, Osprey 2589
- The Conquistadores, Osprey 3577
- Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec, Osprey 1599
- Mughul India 1504–1761, Osprey 3443
- Gustavus Adolphus (1) Infantry, Osprey 9974
- Gustavus Adolphus (2) Cavalry, Osprey 3508
- English Civil War Armies, Osprey 1191
- New Model Army 1645–1660, Osprey 3852
- Louis XIV’s Army, Osprey 8501
- The British Army 1660–1704, Osprey
- Marlborough’s Army, Osprey 3461
- Samurai Armies 1550–1615, Osprey 302X
- Polish Armies 1569–1696 (1), Osprey 736X
- Polish Armies 1569–1696 (2), Osprey 7440
18th Century
- Aderkas, Elizabeth von: American Indians of the Pacific Northwest (Men-at-Arms 418, 9781841767413)
- Aikman, Christian: No Quarter Given. The Muster Roll of Prince Charles Edward Stuart’s Army, 1745-46 (Glasgow 2012)
- Barthorp, Michael: Marlborough’s Army 1702–11 (Men-At-Arms Series, 97)
- Belloc, Hilaire: The Tactics and Strategy of the Great Duke of Marlborough
- Black, Jeremy: Warfare in the Eighteenth Century
- Bleckwenn, Hans: Die friderizianischen Uniformen (4 Bde., Dortm. 1984)
- Browning, Reed: The War of the Austrian Succession (Basingstoke 1994)
- Chandler, David: The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough
- Chandler, David: Marlborough as Military Commander
- Chandler, David: Blenheim Preparation? – The British Army on the March to the Danube
- Chartrand, René: Louis XV’s Army (4) – Light Troops and Specialists, Osprey 308
- Chartrand, René: French Fortresses in North America 1535–1763 (Fortress 27, 9781841767147)
- Chartrand, René: The Forts of New France (Fortress 93, 9781846035043)
- Chartrand, René: The Forts of Colonial North America (Fortress 101, 9781849081979)
- Chartrand, René: Ticonderoga 1758 (Campaign 76, 9781841760933)
- Chartrand, René: Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (1) (Men-at-Arms 366, 9781841763248)
- Chartrand, René: Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (2) (Men-at-Arms 372, 9781841763255)
- Chartrand, René: Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (3) (Men-at-Arms 383, 9781841764832)
- Dorn u. Engelmann: Die Infanterie-Regimenter Friedrichs des Großen (Augsb. 1994)
- Dorn u. Engelmann: Die Kavallerie-Regimenter Friedrichs des Großen (Augsb. 1992)
- Dorn u. Engelmann: Friedrich der Große und sein Friedenswerk (Utting 2000)
- Dorn u. Engelmann: Friedrich der Große und seine Generale (Eggolsheim 1994)
- Falkner, James: Great and Glorious Days – Marlborough’s Battles 1704-09
- Falkner, James: Ramillies 1706 – Year of Miracles
- Falkner, James: Blenheim 1704 – Marlborough’s Greatest Victory
- Förster, Hoch, Müller, Swoboda: Uniformen europäischer Armeen, 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert
- Funcken, Liliane and Fred: Historical Uniforms
- Katcher, Philip: The American Soldier, US Armies in uniform, 1755 to the present (New York, 1990)
- Knötel-Sieg: Handbuch der Uniformkunde
- MacLean, J. P.: An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America (Cleveland, OH 1900)
- McConnell Hatch, Robert:Major John André: A Gallant in Spy’s Clothing
- Mollo, John: Uniforms of the Seven Years’ War, 1756–1763
- Mollo, John: Uniforms of the American Revolution, 1775–1783
- Münich, Friedrich: Geschichte der Entwicklung der bayerischen Armee, 1618–1870
- Piecha, Waldemar: Soldaten des Rokoko, Friedrich der Große und seine Armee in Zinn
- Reid, Stuart: Frederick the Great’s Allies 1756–63 (Botley 2010)
- Staudinger, Karl: Geschichte des kurbayerischen Heeres, 1726–1777
- Wise, Terence, & Rosignoli, Guido: Military Flags of the World, 1618–1900
- Poltava 1709, Osprey 4164
- Culloden 1746, Osprey 1580
- Plassey 1757, Osprey 3524
- Boston 1775, Osprey 3621
- The Jacobite Rebellions 1689–1745, Osprey 4328
- Eighteenth Century Highlanders, Osprey 3168
- Louis XV’s Army (1) Cavalry, Osprey 6027
- Peter The Great’s Army (1) Infantry, Osprey 315X
- Peter The Great’s Army (2) Cavalry, Osprey 3486
- King George’s Army 1740–1793 (1), Osprey 5152
- King George’s Army 1740–1793 (2), Osprey 5640
- King George’s Army 1740–1793 (3), Osprey 5659
- Frederick The Great’s Army (1) Cavalry, Osprey 1343
- Frederick The Great’s Army (2) Infantry, Osprey 1602
- Frederick The Great’s Army (3) Specialist Troops, Osprey 2250
- The Austrian Army 1740–1780 (1) Cavalry, Osprey 4156
- The Austrian Army 1740–1780 (2) Infantry, Osprey 1602
- The Austrian Army 1740–1780 (3) Specialist Troops, Osprey 5276
- Russian Army of the Seven Years’ War (1), Osprey 5853
- Russian Army of the Seven Years’ War (2), Osprey 587X
- Wolfe’s Army, Osprey 1930
- American Woodland Indians, Osprey 9990
- British Army in North America 1775–1801, Osprey 1957
- General Washington’s Army (1) 1775–1778, Osprey 3842
- General Washington’s Army (2) 1778–1783, Osprey 590X
- French Army in the American War of Independence, Osprey 167X
French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars 1792–1815
- Bukhari, Emir: Napoleon’s Marshals (Lond. 1979)
- Chartrand, René: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1): 1793–1808
- Chartrand, René: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2): 1808–1812
- Chartrand, René: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3): 1812–1815
- Chartrand, René: Spanish Guerrillas in the Peninsular War 1808–14
- Franklin, John: Waterloo: Netherlands Correspondence, Volume 1
- Funcken, L. & F.: L’Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats du Premier Empire
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars, 1796–1814
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Napoleon’s Line Infantry, Osprey 5120
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Napoleon’s Light Infantry (Lond. 1983)
- Haythornthwaite, Philip, & Chappell, Michael: Uniforms of 1812, Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Uniforms of Waterloo
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1): Infantry 1799–1814
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2): Cavalry 1799–1814
- Over, Keith: Flags and Standards of the Napoleonic Wars (Lond. 1976)
- Pivka, Otto von: Napoleon’s German Allies (4) Bavaria, Osprey 3739
- Pivka, Otto von: Napoleon’s Italian & Neapolitan Troops, Osprey 3038
- Wise, Terence: Artillery Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars (Lond. 1979)
- Wright, David: Württemberg. Cavalry, Artillery and Staff of the Napoleonic Wars
- Die Elberfelder Bilderhandschrift, ISBN 3-932077-17-2
- The Age of Eagles, Napoleonic Fire and Fury
- Austerlitz 1805, Osprey 9575
- Jena 1806, Osprey 2854
- Aspern & Wagram 1809, Osprey 3664
- Leipzig 1813, Osprey 3540
- Waterloo 1815, Osprey 2101
- Nelson’s Navy, Osprey 3346
- Wellington’s Foot Guards, Osprey 3923
- Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy, Osprey 2811
- Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign 1798–1801, Osprey 1264
- Napoleon’s Marshals, Osprey 3054
- Napoleon’s Cuirassiers & Carabiniers, Osprey 0969
- Napoleon’s Dragoons & Lancers, Osprey 0888
- Napoleon’s Line Chasseurs, Osprey 2694
- Napoleon’s Hussars, Osprey 2469
- Napoleon’s Guard Cavalry, Osprey 2880
- Napoleon’s Light Infantry, Osprey 5219
- Napoleon’s Guard Infantry (1), Osprey 5340
- Napoleon’s Guard Infantry (2), Osprey 5359
- Napoleon’s Specialist Troops, Osprey 8412
- Napoleon’s German Allies (1) Westfalia & Kleve-Berg, Osprey 2112
- Napoleon’s German Allies (2) Nassau & Oldenburg, Osprey 2554
- Napoleon’s German Allies (3) Saxony, Osprey 3097
- Pivka, Otto von: Napoleon’s German Allies (5) Hessen-Darmstadt & Hessen-Kassel, Osprey 431X
- Napoleon’s Overseas Army, Osprey 9001
- Napoleon’s Sea Soldiers, Osprey 9982
- Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) Infantry, Osprey 6894
- Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) Cavalry, Osprey 7262
- Austrian Specialist Troops of the Napoleonic Wars, Osprey 9508
- Austrian Auxiliary Troops 1792–1816, Osprey 6205
- Prussian Line Infantry 1792–1815, Osprey 543X
- Prussian Light Infantry 1792–1815, Osprey 5405
- Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (1) 1792–1807, Osprey 5758
- Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (2) 1807–1815, Osprey 6835
- Prussian Reserve, Militia & Irregular Troops 1806–1815, Osprey 7998
- Russian Uniform Plates 1812
- Wellington’s Generals, Osprey 2996
- Wellington’s Infantry (1), Osprey 395X
- Wellington’s Infantry (2), Osprey 4190
- Wellington’s Highlanders, Osprey 2560
- Wellington’s Light Cavalry, Osprey 4492
- Wellington’s Heavy Cavalry, Osprey 4743
- Wellington’s Specialist Troops, Osprey 8625
- Brunswick Troops 1809–1815, Osprey 6134
- Dutch-Belgian Troops, Osprey 347X
- Hanoverian Army 1792–1816, Osprey 8870
- British Forces in the West Indies, Osprey 6000
- Artillery Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars, Osprey 3364
- The American War 1812–1814, Osprey 1973
- Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (1), Osprey 171X
- Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2), Osprey 1744
- Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (3), Osprey 4107
19th Century
- Bowman, John S.: The Civil War Almanac (New York 1983)
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Uniforms of the American Civil War (Poole, 1975)
- Lloyd, Mark: Combat Uniforms of the Civil War (New York, 1990)
- On Campaign – The Civil War Art of Keith Rocco
- Katcher, Philip: American Civil War Armies (1): Confederate Troops (London 1986)
- Katcher, Philip: American Civil War Armies (2): Union Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry (Lond. 1986)
- Katcher, Philip: American Civil War Armies (3): Specialist Troops (London 1986)
- Katcher, Philip: American Civil War Armies (4): State Troops (London 1987)
- Katcher, Philip: American Civil War Armies (5): Volunteer Militias (London 1989)
- Katcher, Philip: Army of the Potomac (London 2011)
- Katcher, Philip: Army of Northern Virginia, (London 1975)
- Katcher, Philip: Flags of the American Civil War (1) Confederate, (London 1992)
- Katcher, Philip: Flags of the American Civil War (2) Union, (London 1993)
- Katcher, Philip: Flags of the American Civil War (3) State and Volunteer, (London 1993)
- Ram, Sita: From Sepoy to Subedar (Lond. 1873)
- Seaton, Albert: The Russian Army of the Crimea
- Thomas, Robert: The Russian Army of the Crimean War 1854-56
- New Orleans 1815, Osprey 3605
- Cadogan’s Crimea, Col. George Cadogan, Lt. Col. Somerset J. Gough Calthorpe
- Balaclava 1854, Osprey 9613
- First Bull Run 1861, Osprey 1335
- Antietam 1862, Osprey 3702
- Chickamauga 1863, Osprey 2633
- Vicksburg 1863, Osprey 3532
- Gravelotte 1870, Osprey 2862
- Little Big Horn 1876, Osprey 456X
- Zulu War 1879, Osprey 1653
- Rorke’s Drift 1879, Osprey 5063
- Majuba 1881, Osprey 5039
- Tel-el-Kebir 1882, Osprey 3338
- Khartoum 1885, Osprey 301X
- Omdurman 1898, Osprey 3650
- Colenso 1899, Osprey 4660
- The Zulus, Osprey 8641
- British Forces in Zululand 1879, Osprey 1092
- Texas Ranger, Osprey 1556
- Zouave Units of the American Civil War, Osprey 5713
- Bolivar and San Martin, Osprey 1289
- US Dragoons 1833–1855, Osprey 3893
- US Cavalry on the Plains, Osprey 6096
- Alamo & Texan War 1835–1836, Osprey 6843
- Boer War (1) 1836–1896, Osprey 6124
- Mexican-American War 1846–1848, Osprey 2538
- The Mexican Adventure 1861–1867, Osprey 430X
- American Indian Wars 1860–1890, Osprey 0497
- Bowman, John S.: The Civil War Almanac
- American Plains Indians, Osprey 6088
- Apaches, Osprey 7386
- American Indians of the South East, Osprey 5667
- Taiping Rebellion 1851–1866, Osprey 346X
- British Army on Campaign (1) 1816–1853, Osprey 7939
- British Army on Campaign (2) 1854–1856, Osprey 8277
- British Army on Campaign (3) 1856–1881, Osprey 8358
- British Army on Campaign (4) 1882–1902, Osprey 8498
- Queen Victoria’s Enemies (1) Southern Africa, Osprey 901X
- Queen Victoria’s Enemies (2) Northern Africa, Osprey 9370
- Queen Victoria’s Enemies (3) India, Osprey 9435
- Queen Victoria’s Enemies (4) Asia, Osprey 9516
- Canadian Campaigns 1860–1870, Osprey 2269
- Indian Mutiny, Osprey 2597
- British Troops in the Indian Mutiny, Osprey 3699
- Bengal Cavalry Regiments, Osprey 3089
- Indian Infantry Regiments, Osprey 3070
- French Army 1870–1871, Franco-Prussian War (1) Imperial Troops, Osprey 1211
- French Army 1870–1871, Franco-Prussian War (2) Republican Troops, Osprey 1351
- Russo-Turkish War 1877, Osprey 3710
- Zulu War, Osprey 2562
- Sudan Campaigns 1881–1898, Osprey 2546
- US Army 1890–1920, Osprey 1033
- The Boxer Rebellion, Osprey 3356
- Grenadier Guards, Osprey 2848
- Zimmermann, Richard J.: Unit Organizations of the American Civil War (Cambridge, Ont, 1986)
Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.