American Civil War Miniatures, 1861–1865
Military Miniatures Catalog of Figures, Cavalry, Artillery, Vehicles, and Model Kits

Airfix 1:76 scale American Civil War Union and Confederate plastic figures painted to represent a Rebel infantry brigade. The miniatures are mounted on stands compatible with Fire and Fury American Civil War Rules by Richard W. Hasenauer.
Reference Section
- On Campaign – The Civil War Art of Keith Rocco
- Anesthetics in Field and General Hospitals of the CSA
- Sack Coat
- Zouaves in Fez or Tassled Cap: Uniform Painting Guide
- Zouaves in Kepi: Uniform Painting Guide
- Zouaves in Full Dress Turban: Conversion and Painting Guide
- Gettysburg (USA 1992, Ronald F. Maxwell)
- What did the Rebel Yell sound like? (
- Bull Run (Battleground 7), TalonSoft
- Shiloh (Battleground 4), TalonSoft
- Cannon Fire at Shiloh, Design
- Antietam (Battleground 5), TalonSoft
- Battle of Antietam, Strategic Simulations, Inc.
- Gettysburg – The Turning Point, Strategic Simulations, Inc.
- Cannon Fire at Gettysburg, Design
- Gettysburg (Battleground 2), TalonSoft
- Rebel Charge at Chickamauga, Strategic Simulations, Inc.
- Cannon Fire at Chickamauga, Design
ACW Infantry
- Officer (kepi, Frock Coat), Firing Pistol, 40 mm Scruby 40T-70
- Officer (kepi, Frock Coat), pointing, 40 mm Scruby 40T-69
- Officer (kepi), 30 mm Scruby 1825
- Standard Bearer (kepi), 30 mm Scruby 1839
- Drummer (kepi), 30 mm Scruby 1838
- Infantryman (kepi), standing, firing, 40 mm Scruby 40T-58
- Infantryman (kepi), attacking with bayonet, 40 mm Scruby 40T-59
- Infantryman (kepi), marching at the slope, 40 mm Scruby 40T-62
- Infantryman (kepi), blanket roll, marching, 40 mm Scruby 40T-63
- Infantryman (kepi), blanket roll, advancing at full port, 40 mm Scruby 40T-66
- Infantryman (kepi), on guard, 40 mm Scruby 40T-102
- Infantryman (kepi), standing, on guard, 30 mm Scruby 1801
- Infantryman (kepi), standing, firing, 30 mm Scruby 1802
- Infantryman (kepi), kneeling, firing, 30 mm Scruby 1803
- Infantryman (kepi), attacking, 30 mm Scruby 1804
- Infantryman (kepi), standing at attention, 30 mm Scruby 1830
- Infantryman (kepi), marching, slung rifle, full uniform, 30 mm Scruby 1831
- Infantryman (kepi), marching, slung rifle, shirt sleeves, 30 mm Scruby 1834
- Officer (slouch hat), drawn sword, 30 mm Scruby 1826
- Standard Bearer (slouch hat), 30 mm Scruby 1841
- Drummer (slouch hat), 30 mm Scruby 1840
- Infantryman (slouch hat), standing, firing, 40 mm Scruby 40T-60
- Infantryman (slouch hat), attacking with bayonet, 40 mm Scruby 40T-61
- Infantryman (slouch hat), marching at the slope, 40 mm Scruby 40T-64
- Infantryman (slouch hat), blanket roll, marching, 40 mm Scruby 40T-65
- Infantryman (slouch hat), advancing at high port, 40 mm Scruby 40T-67
- Infantryman (slouch hat), on guard, 40 mm Scruby 40T-103
- Infantryman (slouch hat), standing, on guard, 30 mm Scruby 1807
- Infantryman (slouch hat), standing, firing, 30 mm Scruby 1808
- Infantryman (slouch hat), kneeling, firing, 30 mm Scruby 1809
- Infantryman (slouch hat), charging, rifle in left hand, 30 mm Scruby 1810
- Infantryman (slouch hat), standing in reserve, 30 mm Scruby 1832
- Infantryman (slouch hat), marching with slung rifle, 30 mm Scruby 1833
- Infantryman (slouch hat), standing at attention, 30 mm Scruby 1835
- Infantryman (slouch hat), attacking, 30 mm Scruby 1836
ACW Cavalry
- Mounted Officer (kepi), drawn sword, 30 mm Scruby 1820C
- Cavalryman (kepi), 40 mm Scruby 40TC-71
- Cavalryman (kepi), attacking, 40 mm Scruby 40TC-75
- Cavalryman (kepi), firing carbine from saddle, 40 mm Scruby 40TC-72
- Cavalryman (kepi), with pistol, 30 mm Scruby 1814C
- Cavalryman (kepi), firing carbine, 30 mm Scruby 1816C
- Cavalryman (kepi), with sword, 30 mm Scruby 1817C
- Cavalryman (slouch hat), 40 mm Scruby 40TC-73
- Cavalryman (slouch hat), attacking, 40 mm Scruby 40TC-74
- Cavalryman (slouch hat), with pistol, 30 mm Scruby 1815C
- Cavalryman (slouch hat), attacking with sword, 30 mm Scruby 1818C
- Cavalryman (slouch hat), carbine on thigh, 30 mm Scruby 1819C
ACW Artillery
- Artilleryman (kepi), standing, 40 mm Scruby 40T-68
- Artilleryman (kepi), standing, 30 mm Scruby 1805
- Artilleryman (kepi), with rammer, 30 mm Scruby 1827
- Artilleryman (kepi), carrying fuses, 30 mm Scruby 1828
- Artilleryman (kepi), firing cannon, 30 mm Scruby 1829
- Artilleryman (slouch hat), standing, 40 mm Scruby 40T-76
- Artilleryman (slouch hat), standing, 30 mm Scruby 1811
Union Army
- Union Flags, Colors, and Guidons
- General Ulysses S. Grant, mounted, 30 mm Scruby 1822C
- General Ulysses S. Grant, 1:72 HYTTY Hist6
- Grant’s Headquarters, 15 mm Stone Mountain ACN99
- Union Generals, 20 mm RSM95 ACWU-OI
- Union General, 20 mm Jacklex JA 15
- Personalities (Grant, Meade, Sykes) & ADC, 15 mm Minifigs 10YCC
- Mounted Field Officers, 15 mm Minifigs 12YCC
Union Infantry
- Iron Brigade (Union Infantry Set #2), 1:32 Conte Collectibles ACW111
- Iron Brigade, 1:32 A Call to Arms 18
- Iron Brigade, 20 mm RSM95 ACWU-IB
- Iron Brigade, 15 mm Stone Mountain ACN86
- Union Infantry Set #1, 1:32 Conte Collectibles ACW100
- Union Infantry, 1:32 Timpo / Toyway 43504
- Union Infantry, 1:60 Perry Miniatures ACW1
- Union Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery, 1:72 IMEX 605
- Union Infantry, 1:72 ESCI P-222
- Union Infantry, 1:72 Accurate Figures 7202; Revell 02559
- Union Infantry, 1:72 IMEX 505
- Union Infantry, 1:72 MarksMen MISB
- Union Infantry, 1:72 A Call to Arms 55
- Union Infantry (kepi), 20 mm Hinton Hunt BB200
- Union Regiments, 1:72 A Call to Arms 60
- Union Coloured Infantry, 1:32 A Call to Arms 11
- US Coloured Infantry "Glory Brigade", 15 mm Stone Mountain ACN88
- Union Zouaves
- Union Infantry, 1:72 Italeri 6012
- Union Infantry Officer with sword + pistol, 20 mm Jacklex JA 9
- Union Infantry, marching, 20 mm RSM95 ACWU-IM
- Union Infantry, marching, 20 mm Jacklex JA 3
- Union Infantry, advancing, 20 mm RSM5 ACWU-IA
- Union Infantry, advancing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 1
- Union Infantry, running, sep. rifle, 20 mm Jacklex JA 5
- Union Infantry, charging, 20 mm RSM95 ACWU-IC
- Union Infantry, firing, 20 mm RSM95 ACWU-IF
- Union Infantry, standing, firing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 7
- Union Infantry, kneeling, firing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 18
- Union Infantry, 1:76 Airfix 01712
- Union Infantry Division, 15 mm Gordon & Hague
Union Cavalry
Union Artillery
Union Support Troops
- Engineers, 1:72 Accurate Figures 7205
- Signal Corps, 15 mm Frontier Miniatures F15105
Confederate Army
- General Robert E. Lee, mounted, 30 mm Scruby 1821C
- General Robert E. Lee, 1:72 HYTTY Hist7
- Lee’s Headquarters, 15 mm Stone Mountain ACN99
- General Jeb Stuart, 20 mm Jacklex JA 30
- Confederate Generals, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-OI
- Confederate General, 20 mm Jacklex JA 16
- Personalities (Lee, Hill, Jackson) & ADC, 15 mm Minifigs 11YCC
- Mounted Field Officers, 15 mm Minifigs 12YCC
Confederate Infantry
- Confederate Texas Brigade, 15 mm Stone Mountain ACN91
- Confederate Infantry Set #1, 1:32 Conte Collectibles ACW201
- Confederate Infantry Set #2, 1:32 Conte Collectibles ACW211
- Confederate Infantry (1863), 1:32 A Call to Arms 16
- Confederate Infantry, 1:32 Timpo / Toyway 43505
- Confederate Infantry, 1:32 Timpo
- Confederate Infantry, 1:60 Perry Miniatures ACW1
- Confederate Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery, 1:72 IMEX 605
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 Accurate Figures 7203; Revell 02558
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 ESCI P-223
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 IMEX 506
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 Italeri 6014
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 MarksMen MISG
- Confederate Infantry, 1:72 A Call to Arms 54
- Confederate Infantry (slouch hat), 20 mm Hinton Hunt BB201
- Confederate Infantry Officer with sword + pistol, 20 mm Jacklex JA 10
- Confederate Infantry, marching, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-IM
- Confederate Infantry, marching, 20 mm Jacklex JA 4
- Confederate Infantry, advancing, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-IA
- Confederate Infantry, advancing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 2
- Confederate Infantry, running, sep. rifle, 20 mm Jacklex JA 6
- Confederate Infantry, charging, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-IC
- Confederate Infantry, firing, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-IF
- Confederate Infantry, standing firing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 8
- Confederate Infantry, kneeling firing, 20 mm Jacklex JA 19
- Confederate Infantry, 1:76 Airfix 01713
- Confederate Infantry Division, 15 mm Gordon & Hague
- Confederate Zouaves
Confederate Cavalry
Confederate Artillery and Engineers
- Artillery, 1:76 Airfix 01714
- Artillery, 1:72 IMEX 502
- Artillery, 1:72 Accurate Figures 7208
- Confederate Artillery, 20 mm Hinton Hunt BB203
- Artillery Crew, 11 Figures, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ14
- Confederate Artillery Crew, 20 mm RSM95 ACWC-G
- Artillery Crew, 20 mm Jacklex JA 101
- Confederate Pioneers, 1:72 Revell 02564; Accurate Figures 7209
Guns, Wagons, and Accessories
- Civil War Accessories, 1:72 IMEX 507
- Supply Wagon with 6 Mule Team, 20 mm Jacklex JA 104
- Covered Wagon, 20 mm RSM95 ACW-W
- Munitions Wagon & Ambulance Wagon, 1:72 IMEX 514
- Limber, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ02
- Limber, 20 mm Jacklex JA 103
- Limbers, 20 mm RSM95 ACW-L
- Ammunition Trailer for BZ02, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ18
- Caissons, 20 mm RSM95 ACW-CA
- 12-pounder »Napoleon« Light Field Gun Model 1857
- 12-pdr. »Napoleon« Light Field Gun M.1857, 40 mm Scruby 40-A01
- 12-pdr. »Napoleon« Light Field Gun M.1857, 30 mm Scruby 30-7
- 12-pounder Whitworth Breechloading Rifle
- Whitworth Field Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ03
- 10-pounder Parrott Rifle Model 1861
- Parrot cannon, 30 mm Scruby 30-8
- Field Gun with 3 different barrels, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ01
- Field Gun, 20 mm Jacklex JA 102
- Field Gun and 6 Horse Limber, 20 mm Jacklex JA 100
- Gatling Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ04
- Gatling Guns, 1:76 Atlantic 1053
- Vandenburg Volley Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ08
- 24 pdr. Fortress Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ07
- 24 pdr. Siege Gun on Carriage, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ09
- 30 pdr. Siege Gun on Carriage, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ19
- Limber for BZ09 and BZ19, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ20
- 32 pdr. Siege Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ12
- Accessories for BZ12, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ13
- 50 pdr. Siege and Fortress Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ05
- 8 Inch Dahlgren Fortress Gun, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ06
- 13 Inch Mortar, 1:72 Fine Scale Factory BZ10
- Gabions, 20 mm RSM95 Gabions
Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.