Imperial Cuirassier Regiment Palatinate of the Seven Years’ War, 1757–1763

Imperial Cuirassier Regiment Palatinate of the Seven Years’ War, 1757–1763.

The Palatinal Cuirassiers formed in August 1757, at the Imperial Army’s camp at Fürth, from the Oberrheinische Kreis-Eskadron, as well as the 2nd and 3rd squadron of Reiter-Regiment Prinz Friedrich Michael von Zweibrücken. The regiment was a wartime formation with a strength of 460 troopers in three squadrons of three companies each. The Oberrheinische Kreis-Eskadron provided the regimental staff. During the Seven Years’ War, the Kurpfalz Cuirassiers served primarily in Saxony. The regiment fought at the Battle of Rossbach, Maxen, and Freiberg.

The 1:300 scale Heroics & Ros miniatures shown here are Austrian Dragoons of the Seven Years’ War, painted as troopers of the 2nd and 3rd squadrons of the regiment.




  • Regimental Staff (Oberrheinische Kreis-Eskadron)
    1. Eskadron, Oberrheinische Kreis-Eskadron
    2. Eskadron, Reiter-Regiment Prince Frederick Michael of Zweibrücken
      • 4. Kompanie
        • Rittmeister
        • Leutnant
        • Kornett
        • Wachtmeister
        • Quartiermeister
        • Feldscherer
        • Trompeter
        • Korporale (3)
        • Gemeine (38)
      • 5. Kompanie (wie oben)
      • 6. Kompanie (wie oben)
    3. Eskadron, Reiter-Regiment Prince Frederick Michael of Zweibrücken
      • 7. Kompanie (wie oben)
      • 8. Kompanie (wie oben)
      • 9. Kompanie (wie oben)

The combined cuirassier regiment Kurpfalz looks very attractive in its white uniforms with the different facing colours of its component cavalry units.

Campaign History

  • Camp at Fürth, August 1757
  • Battle of Rossbach, 5 November 1757
  • Campaign in Saxony, 1758
  • Siege and Capture of Maxen, 20 November 1759
  • Campaigns in Saxony, 1760–1762
  • Battle of Freiberg (Saxony), 29 October 1762

Electoral Rhenish Circle of the Imperial Army