Dark Prussian Blue

Vallejo Model Color 70.899

Dark Prussian Blue, Vallejo Model Color 70.899.

Vallejo Model Color 70.899 »Dark Prussian Blue« compared to Citadel 26 »Moody Blue« and Kreul 75.253 »Dark Blue«.

Vallejo recommends 70.899 »Dark Prussian Blue« as the »French Blue« coat colour in their »French Infantry Napoleonic Wars« and the »Royal Blue« facing colour in their »British Infantry Napoleonic Wars« paint set, respectively. Dark blue wollen fabrics, dyed with woad or indigo in the 18th and 19th century, appeared nearly »Black Blue« and showed minimal highlights or shadows. PRIMAcryl 13.431 »Indigo« is a better match for these dark blues.

Warlord Games recommends Vallejo 70.899 »Dark Prussian Blue« as the coat colour of Prussian infantry and artillery in their »Napoleonic Prussian Paint Set«.
