Prussian Blue
Vallejo Model Color 70.965
Vallejo Model Color 70.965 »Prussian Blue« compared to Kreul 75.518 »Steel Blue« and our own medium blue mixture of PRIMAcryl 13.431 »Indigo« and PRIMAcryl 13.101 »White« at 2:1 ratio.
While Warlord Games recommends Vallejo 70.965 »Prussian Blue« as the coat colour of Prussian Dragoons in their »Napoleonic Prussian Paint Set«, this colour is actually too dark and too saturated to represent the »Light Blue« Prussian dragoon uniform. The error may be corrected by tinting with »White«.
Vallejo 70.965 »Prussian Blue« may be shaded with »Black« to match Humbrol Authentic Colour MC08 »French Blue«.