Austrian Dragoon Regiment Modena of the Seven Years’ War, 1756–1763
In 1706, the Elector of Mayence, Franz Lothar Graf von Schönborn, maintained a dragoon regiment in imperial service. The regiment was taken into imperial service by convention dated 16 April 1710. During the Seven Years’ War the regiment fought at the Battles of Prag, Kolin, Breslau, and Leuthen. In February 1760 the regiment was temporarily converted to a Chevauleger-Regiment, to be re-designated as a dragoon regiment in 1763.
- GWFM Hercules Erbprinz von Modena, 1756–1775
Commanding Officer
- Oberst Heinrich La Reintrie Baron de du Pin, 1750–1757
- Oberst Johann Friedrich Brinckmann, 1757–1767
- red coat with white buttons
- light blue lapels with seven buttons and buttonholes left and right
- light blue cuffs with three buttons
- light blue turnbacks
- red shoulder strap left
- light blue aiguillette right
- black stock
- light blue Kamisol mit sechs weißen Knöpfen
- light blue or straw-coloured breeches
- black gaiters with white buttons for dismounted service
- white boot cuffs and tall black riding boots for mounted service
- black tricorne with white border, and black cockade with white button
- red saddlecloth with yellow border, and black and white rhombical design
- black pistol holsters, with red holster covers and border design as above
- round red mantlesack with border design as above
- black leather bridle
Campaign History
- Battle of Prag, 1757
- Battle of Kolin, 1757
- Engagement at Moys, 1757
- Siege of Schweidnitz, 1757
- Battle at Breslau, 1757
- Battle of Leuthen, 1757
- Defence of Schweidnitz, 1758
- Siege of Neiße, 1758
- Engagement at Eulenburg, 1759
- Engagement at Pretsch, 1759
- Engagement at Maxen, 1759
- Attached to the Reichsarmee, 1760–1761
- Engagement at Kammerndorf, 1762
Light straw-coloured leather breeches were worn on campaign.