Bandolier, Mounted Infantry (Mark I)

Bandolier, Mounted Infantry (Mark I), Pattern 1882.

LoC № 4401 – Bandolier, Mounted Infantry (Mark I), 16 May 1882.

It is a brown leather shoulder belt, 51 inches in length, fitted with a double tongued buckle and a running loop. 50 leather tubes are fitted to the belt; each of these tubes will contain a small arm cartridge. The 50 tubes are divided into six sections or compartments; four compartments are fitted to contain 10 tubes each, and two 5 tubes each.

To prevent the cartridges being shaken out, each section has a cover which fastens to studs fixed to the tubes.

A short strap (9¾ inches in length) is attached to a brass D on the belt, and is intended to pass round the waist-belt of the wearer, so as to steady the bandolier.

A pattern of this article has been sealed to govern supplies, when specially ordered, for Mounted Infantry.

With LoC № 4607, dated 17 Nov 1884, the designation of the bandolier referred to in LoC 4401 has been altered to read:

  • Bandolier, leather, 50 rounds, Mounted Infantry
