1.) Add the Inclination of Armour penalty to the 2D10 penetration roll:
Inclination of Armour Penetration Dice-Roll Modifier
Spaced Armour +5 % (H.E.A.T. will not penetrate at all)
Rounded Armour +10 %
Angled Armour (1 – 45 Degrees) +18 %
Sloped Armour (46 – 61 Degrees) +34 %
62+ Degrees Penetration Impossible
62 degrees is the magical "Skate Angle" where any ballistically shaped projectile will fail to penetrate even cardboard. The target surface will react in an elastic fashion as opposed to being a resistive surface. A human body hit at this angle by a bullet will suffer a graze, friction burn or a bruise as the bullet slides along the skin until its trajectory takes it away from the body. This is how people survive getting shot in the head sometimes.
2.) Add the loss of velocity penalty to the 2D10 penetration roll.
AT-Shell Loss of Velocity: Penetration Dice-Roll Modifier
Gun Type Range in Inches
  50 100 150 200 250 300 350+
1 – 50 mm +2 % +8 % +9 % +11 % +15 % +20 % +26 %
51+ mm +1 % +2 % +4 % +5 % +6 % +7 % +8 %
3.) Consult the Penetration Table to determine if the modified 2D10 penetration roll is equal to or less than the penetration probability number listed there, indicating that the shot has penetrated the target.

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