Prisoners of War

  • Soldiers who have been ordered to, or who decided to stop fighting are prisoners of war.
  • It is assumed that players will accept and treat enemy prisoners as required by the Geneva convention, even if this did not always happen in history. Certain units were notorious for not accepting prisoners in battle.
  • A unit which has taken prisoners must detail 1 guard for every 4 POWs. Prisoners obey guard orders.
  • If a prisoner is liberated by his own side, the figure is considered to be unarmed until a spare weapon can be picked up somewhere on the battlefield.
  • If casualty figures are removed from the tabletop, ex-prisoners must be armed by handing them a weapon from reserve supplies.

Interrogation of Prisoners

A prisoner may only be interrogated once per turn. The level of success of gaining vital information from a prisoner depends on the training of the person in charge of the interrogation, and on the rank and type of prisoner. It is assumed that players will uphold the Geneva convention in the course of an interrogation. Roll a D12 and modify as follows:

+4 Interrogator is a Major or above
+3 Interrogator is a Captain
+2 Interrogator is a Lieutenant
+1 Interrogator is a Sergeant or equivalent NCO
+2 Interrogator and Prisoner have the same nationality
-1 Prisoner is a Partisan
-1 Prisoner is a Sergeant or equivalent NCO
-2 Prisoner is an Elite Soldier
-3 Prisoner is a Lieutenant
-4 Prisoner is a Captain
-5 Prisoner is a Major or above

If the modified result is less than 1, the prisoner does not know anything of importance, and the interrogation ends. If the result is 6 or above, the prisoner talks. Roll a D6 and apply any negative modifiers from the above table.

6 = has no useful information
5 = tells his platoon’s position
4 = tells all machine gun and anti-tank gun positions
3 = tells all infantry and artillery positions
2 = tells all tank positions
1 = tells everything

In campaigns, players may negotiate prisoner exchanges.

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