As a game turn is typically 10 to 15 seconds of action,
this means that tanks will have a limited rotational distance through which their
turrets can traverse. Soviet K.V. tanks took 1 minute to rotate their turrets through
180 degrees, and also the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausführung J lacked the power traverser of
the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausführung H. Slow turret rotation is a problem tank platoon
commanders had to deal with, and the general tactic adopted by tank units was for the
tanks in a formation to point in several directions until an enemy position was
encountered. The table will help to determine how far a particular A.F.V. may traverse
during a game turn, and it will result in wargame tank formations with turrets pointing
in all directions, covering all likely directions of attack. |