Turret Crew Tasks per Turn: 1 Man
Operate a radio set (1 turn)
Direct unit (1 turn)
Spot for targets (1 turn)
Load main armament (1 turn)
Fire main armament (1 turn)
Fire turret MG (1 turn)
Turret Crew Tasks per Turn: 2 Men
Gunner/Loader Commander/Gunner
Fire pre-loaded shot Operate a radio set
Direct unit
Spot for targets
Load main armament Fire main armament
Fire turret MG Fire additional turret MG
Turret Crew Tasks per Turn: 3 Men
Loader Gunner Commander
Load main armament Fire main armament Operate a radio set
Direct unit
Spot for targets
Fire turret MG Fire addtional turret MG
The table lists possible crew tasks during a game turn, based on the number of turret crew of a particular vehicle. French tanks of the period suffered from the single man turret problem, a significant tactical disadvantage compared to the multi-crew turrets of German Panzers.

Tanks with crew losses due to casualties or crew members engaged in extra-vehiclular activity, use the relevant turret crew level in the table above. Tanks with self-loading main armaments, such as the Italian M.13/40 medium tank, count as a 3 man turret for tactical and operating purposes.

Co-axial turret M.G.s cannot be fired at the same time as the main armament, because the gunner would have to operate both trigger pedals simultaneously with one foot. The same problem would apply in the few tanks which had hand-triggered control systems. In addition, main gun and coaxial MG use different sighting scales, making accurate aiming and simultaneous firing of both weapons impossible. It was not attempted in reality.

Independant turret M.G.s, such as the gimbal-mounted T-28 main turret front L.M.G., can be fired if the loader is available for the task. The shell type of a pre-loaded shot must be declared when the shot is loaded, the player is not permitted to delay until a target is actually encountered.

Gun crew levels:
Artillery pieces – 3 men minimum crew to fire every turn, 1 man to fire every 3 turns.
Field guns – 2 men minimum crew to fire every turn, 1 man to fire every 2 turns.
Automatic cannons – 1 man crew to fire until the magazine is empty. The sole crew member takes 1 turn to load a new magazine, and he may fire again next turn.
All other guns require the same crew level as field guns.

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