Soviet Khaki
Polly Scale 505360
Polly Scale 505360 »Soviet Khaki« compared to Vallejo 70.924 »Russian Uniform« and our own mixture of Lascaux 961 »Yellow Ochre« and PRIMAcryl 13.792 »Ivory Black« at 2:1 ratio.
Polly Scale 505360 »Soviet Khaki« may match the original hue of World-War Two Soviet uniforms, but for our purposes in miniature painting the colour needs to be tinted with white, dark yellow, or ochre to arrive at the proper aerial perspective.
Polly Scale 505360 »Soviet Khaki« is an good match for »Khaki Green № 3«, the British Army‘s »New Service Colour« specified by Army Council Instructions (ACI) in February 1939, which replaced the earlier service paint »Deep Bronze Green No. 24 BS.381c«.