Desert Yellow
Vallejo Model Color 70.977
Vallejo Model Color 70.977 »Desert Yellow« matches FS 30257 »Earth Yellow (№ 6)« for US Army camouflage patterns. The water-based paint, included in Vallejo’s »North Africa Paint Set«, is a suggested base colour for Italian Army tropical uniforms. Replacing Vallejo 70.914 »Green Ochre«, the lighter »Desert Yellow« may be used for heavily faded uniforms of the Afrika Korps. Italian vehicles serving in the desert are painted Vallejo 70.912 »Tan Yellow« and drybrushed 70.977 »Desert Yellow« after weathering.
Vallejo 70.977 »Desert Yellow« matches the golden yellow windows and decorative elements in the archivolted gables of the Wedding Tower in Darmstadt.