Military Miniatures Magazine

The leading Online Publication for Miniature Collectors and Wargamers


IDL Software,
Publikations- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
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Handelsregister Darmstadt: HRB 4657
Ust.-Ident.-Nr. 01DE111640151
Geschäftsführer: Klaus Schultheis,


Klaus Schultheis (KS), Editor in Chief
Ricardo Arancon Nacher (RAN), Mexico
Fabrice Bryjak (FB), France
Luca Fazio (LF), Italy
Michel Lefort (ML), Belgium
Rafael Viscarelli (RV), Italy

Contributing Writers, Modellers, and Photographers

John Bice, Michigan
Andreas Brune, Germany
David Byrden, Republic of Ireland
Dean Carpenter, Australia
Gray Creager, California
Anthony De Lyall, Australia
Mark A. Deliduka, California
Michal Derela, Poland
Leland R. Erickson, California
Max A Forsythe, Ohio
Jörg Geyer, Germany
Jim Gordon, California
Steve Grammont, Massachusetts
Kenneth L. Hagerup, Nebraska
Michael Koznarsky, Maryland
Francis Liew, Singapore
Rob Mackie
Jose Mattos, Virginia
Andy Reid, United Kingdom
Bill Rittner, Connecticut
Chris Salander, California
Will Scarvie, California
Klaus Schäfer, Germany
Hanno Spoelstra, Netherlands
Patrick Storto, Michigan
Thomas Wirsing, Illinois


The editors and publisher are not responsible for unsolicited materials.


No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission of IDL Software GmbH. © 1996–2024 by IDL Software GmbH. All rights reserved.


Names and trademarks are listed for informational purposes only, they are owned by the respective companies.

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All materials listed in the publication are subject to change by the manufacturer. The publisher assumes no responsibility for such changes or any mistakes made in texts and illustrations.

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