German Machine Gun Company, 1939
The fourth company in the infantry battalion was a support company, designated Maschinengewehr-Kompanie, with three heavy machine gun platoons and one heavy mortar platoon using 8 cm mortars. When the 12 cm mortar became available, the 8 cm mortar was officially redesignated a medium mortar (mGrW) and the fourth platoon of the MG-Kompanie was partially or fully re-equipped with the heavier 12 cm mortars.
Maschinengewehr-Kompanie, 1939
- Kompanieführer, company commander
- Kompanietrupp, company HQ section
- Kompanietruppführer, HQ section leader
- Beobachtungs-Unteroffizier, observer
- Richtkreis-Unteroffizier, range taker
- Richtkreis-Unteroffizier, range taker
- Melder, messenger
- Nachrichtenstaffel, communications section
- Fernsprechtrupp – wire communications group
- Funktrupp – radio communications group
- Kompanietrupp, company HQ section
- 1. schwerer Maschinengewehrzug, heavy machine gun platoon
- Zugführer, platoon commander
- 1. s.MG-Gruppe, HMG Section
- s.MG, heavy machine gun
- s.MG, heavy machine gun
- 2. s.MG-Gruppe, HMG Section
- s.MG, heavy machine gun
- s.MG, heavy machine gun
- 2. schwerer Maschinengewehrzug, as above
- 3. schwerer Maschinengewehrzug, as above
- 4. schwerer Granatwerferzug, mortar platoon
- Zugführer
- Zugtrupp, HQ Section
- 1. schwere Granatwerfergruppe
- s.GrW 8 cm, mortar
- s.GrW 8 cm, mortar
- 2. schwere Granatwerfergruppe, same as above
- 3. schwere Granatwerfergruppe, same as above
- Gefechtstross, field kitchen
- Kompaniefeldwebel (Spieß), Company Sergeant-Major
- Waffen- und Geräteunteroffizier, weapons and technical NCO
- Futtermeister, farrier
- Beschlagschmied, hoofer
- Feldküche, field kitchen
- Verpflegungstross, supply wagon
- Fourier-Unteroffizier Supply NCO
- Verpflegungstross I, supply wagon
- Verpflegungstross II, supply wagon
- Gepäcktross (mot.), baggage transport (motorized)
- Rechnungsführer, accountant
- Fahrer, driver
- Handwerker, craftsman
- Handwerker, craftsman
Field kitchens were grouped at the battalion level, but detached companies took theirs with them. The Company Sergeant-Major normally remained with the field kitchens. Supply and baggage wagons were grouped at battalion, or the next level above it.