British Royal Marine Commando Denison Smock
1:72 Scale Painting Techniques

British Royal Marine Commandos wearing the Denison Smock at Walcheren 1944. These converted figures are based on British Paratroopers from Revell, Airfix, and ESCI, which have received new heads with the beret, knit cap, or British M.1916 steel helmet. The Denison Smock has been painted Humbrol 93 »Desert Yellow«, with camouflage splotches of Earth Brown and Olive Green. When viewed at the proper scale distance, the smock appears to be camouflaged, although individual camo splotches are only discernable upon closer inspection. To achieve this nicely blended effect, the camouflage splotches were painted with heavily diluted acrylic paint which allows the base colour to show through and highlight the splotches. The miniatures received a final wash and careful drybrush to blend and fade them even further.

Using this technique, a 16-figure Crossfire Marine Commando Section of two Rifle Groups, two Bren Groups, one 2″ Mortar Team, a Sniper, and a Platoon Commander may be painted in an evening. The same basic painting technique applies to modern British Disruptive Pattern Material – DPM, although the base colour and camo splotch colours differ.