German Infantry Section, Rifle Platoon and Rifle Company, 1937
The organization shown below is based on the Einheitsgruppe standard infantry section, the basic tactical formation of the infantry. The Einheitsgruppe consisted of a Gruppenführer section leader, and 12–14 men in two groups, a rifle group and a light machine gun group. Actual section strength depended on the company field strength. Wargamers may want to use a rifle stand and a light machine gun stand to represent the Einheitsgruppe in simulations games.
Schützenkompanie, 1937
- Kompanieführer, company commander, P. 08 pistol
- Kompanietrupp, company HQ section
- Kompanietruppführer, HQ section leader, (Uffz./NCO), Karabiner 98 kurz, wire cutters, binoculars, flare pistol, flare pouch, map pointer, map clipboard, marchcompass, coloured pencils.
- Melder 1, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Melder 2, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Melder 3, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Spielmann, musician, Karabiner 98k, binoculars
- Entfernungsmessmann, range finder, Karabiner 98k, rangefinder
- Radfahrer, cyclist, Karabiner 98k
- Pferdewärter, horse holder, Karabiner 98k, wire cutters
- Standard equipment: Message/map case, message pad, pencil, eraser, flashlight, odometer, compass and watch.
- Distributed equipment: 1 pair of climbing-irons, aerial recogniton panels, 2 sets of blinker-signal equipment.
- 1. Schützenzug (47-53 all ranks)
- Zugführer, platoon leader, P. 08 pistol
- Zugtrupp, platoon HQ section
- Melder 1, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Melder 2, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Melder 3, messenger, Karabiner 98k
- Spielmann, musician, Karabiner 98k
- Distributed Equipment: Flare pistol, bi-focal telescope, marchcompass, sunglasses, climbing-irons, drawing and writing utensils.
- Gefechtswagen, horse drawn l.M.G. and munitions carrier
- Unteroffizier für Waffen und Gasschutz, weapons and anti-gas technical NCO (1 per company, deployed with 1. Zug)
- Fahrer, driver, Karabiner 98k
- Schütze, rifleman, Karabiner 98k
- 1. Schützengruppe, rifle section (13–15 all ranks)
- Gruppenführer, section leader, Karabiner 98k, binoculars, message/map case, marchcompass, wire cutters.
- Truppführer, squad leader, Karabiner 98k, binoculars, message/map case, small axe, tape measure.
- M.G.-Trupp, LMG squad
- l.M.G.-Schütze 1 (Richtschütze), machine gunner, M.G. 13 LMG, P. 08 pistol, folding pick, tool bag
- l.M.G.-Schütze 2, P. 08 pistol, barrel protector, 2 bandoliers with magazine pouches, LMG carrier strap.
- l.M.G.-Schütze 3, Karabiner 98k, shovel, 2 bandoleers with magazine pouches, LMG carrier strap.
- l.M.G.-Schütze 4, P. 08 pistol, shovel, M.G. tripod, 2 bandoleers with magazine pouches, LMG carrier strap. (№ 4 of 2. and 3. Schützengruppe had no tripod for the section LMG, he carried more ammunition instead)
- Schützentrupp, rifle squad
- 7-9 Schützen, riflemen, Karabiner 98k
- 2. Schützengruppe (as above, but l.M.G.-Schütze 4 without M.G. tripod)
- 3. Schützengruppe (wie oben, but l.M.G.-Schütze 4 without M.G. tripod)
- 2. Schützenzug, platoon, (3 MG and 1 M.G. tripod, as above, but no technical NCO)
- 3. Schützenzug, platoon, (as 2. Schützenzug, plus one messenger (4), at platoon HQ)
- Gefechtstross, field kitchen
- Oberfeldwebel, company Sgt., Karabiner 98k
- Waffenmeistergehilfe, assistant of the technical NCO, Karabiner 98k
- Fahrer, driver, Karabiner 98k
- Koch, cook, Karabiner 98k
- Koch, cook, Karabiner 98k
- Verpflegungstross, supply wagon
- Fahrer, driver, Karabiner 98k
- Verpflegungsmann, supply assistant, Karabiner 98k
- Gepäcktross (mot.), baggage transport (motorized)
- Rechnungsführer, accountant, Karabiner 98k
- Fahrer, driver, Karabiner 98k
- Handwerker, craftsman, Karabiner 98k
- Handwerker, craftsman, Karabiner 98k
- Sanitätsunteroffizier (Radfahrer), medical NCO (Cyclist)
Field kitchens were grouped at the battalion level, but detached companies took theirs with them. The company Sgt. normally remained with the field kitchens. Supply and baggage wagons were grouped at battalion, or the next level above it.
The Weapons and Anti-Gas NCO was in command of the horse drawn weapons carriers attached to the platoons in his company. After the LMG and ammunition had been unloaded, these wagons joined the supply and baggage wagons at battalion. Supply was coordinated there. If a company fought on its own, it brought the weapons carriers along.