Yellow Green
Vallejo Model Color 70.881
Vallejo Model Color 70.881 »Yellow Green«, the equivalent of FS 34259 »Yellow Green« for US Army camouflage patterns, compared to Revell 36.362 »Reed Green RAL 6013« and our own siskin green mixture of four parts PRIMAcryl 13.210 »Vanadium Yellow deep« and one part 13.792 »Ivory Black«.
Vallejo 70.881 »Yellow Green« is included in the company‘s »North Africa Paint Set« as the recommended base colour for the reed green tropical uniform of the Afrika Korps. However, the colour is still too saturated for this application; it needs to be desatured with titanium white, and muted with red or black.
Vallejo also recommends 70.881 »Yellow Green« for rifle slings and other webbing straps used by the Italian Army in North Africa. Here, too, a little colour adjustment with titanium white, and red or black will be required.